Oral Surgery
Oral surgery is a significant branch of dentistry that requires well-trained hands. Dentists ideally have to go through a few extra years of specialization to be certified as dental surgeons, or maxillofacial surgeons. Before preparing you for oral surgery, the dentist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine whether or not it is absolutely necessary.
Dental extractions
A dental extraction is a process of entirely removing a tooth from the mouth. Some of the common scenarios where a tooth extraction would be necessary are:
Cavities: Tooth decay is one of the prominent causes of dental extraction. The tartar deposits on the teeth could erode the enamel to a large extent and decay the underlying layers. If the tooth is left untreated for a long time, the cavity could progress to the root canal cavity. The dentist would try to restore such a tooth using dental fillings. But, if the severity is too much, it will have to be removed entirely to prevent the adjoining teeth from getting infected as well.
Damaged teeth: The teeth may chip, crack, or break when you sustain external trauma or bite anything too hard. Such a condition can be highly painful and potentially lead to a root canal infection. Hence, we may have to get such teeth extracted if the damage is severe.
Impacted teeth: The teeth may sometimes get impacted or stuck in the jawbone socket while erupting. This is predominantly seen in the case of wisdom teeth. If not treated at the right time, it can lead to severe pain and infections. Hence, impacted wisdom teeth are usually extracted.
How is a tooth extracted?
The dentist will thoroughly diagnose the oral condition and determine the best treatment plan. You will be prepared for the extraction by administering local anesthesia to numb the teeth, gums, and surrounding jawbone. Once the sedative takes effect, the dentist will firmly hold the tooth using forceps and remove it carefully. You will be asked to bite into a piece of gauze to stop the bleeding and facilitate the formation of a clot. Antibiotic medication will be prescribed to ensure optimum healing of the wound and prevent any infection.
Soft tissues removal using laser
A laser has been used in dentistry for several purposes, and one among them is to remove soft tissues. It is used in the case of gum diseases, where the infected and decayed gum tissues will be removed to halt the spread of the infection. A highly powerful laser will be directed at the infected tissues, which instantly vaporizes them and seals the wound underneath. This process significantly reduces pain and bleeding, and prevents the use of sutures to cover the wound. Most importantly, the healing period is almost completely eliminated, making it the go-to procedure for soft tissue removal.
To have a consultation with our dentists, please schedule an online appointment or call us at (501) 758-7462, and we will be happy to help.