Periodontal Treatment
Gingivitis is one of the most common gum diseases caused due to the microbes in the mouth. It can have a few worrying symptoms such as bleeding gums, discharge of pus from the gums, pain, and redness, decay of soft tissues, etc. If gingivitis isn’t treated in the initial stages, it can advance to a more severe form called periodontitis. This oral condition can have devastating symptoms such as severe pain and bleeding, jawbone deterioration, loosening of the teeth from their sockets, etc. The best-known way to treat this condition is through periodontal therapy.
What does periodontal therapy involve?
Since periodontitis has several symptoms that require individual attention, they will be addressed with the utmost care and precision during periodontal therapy. Here are some of the processes involved:
Scaling and root planing: Since the adhered tartar on the surface of the teeth and tooth roots are the leading cause of periodontitis, removing them would be one of the first stages in the therapy. This is done using an ultrasonic scaling device with a metal tip that vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies and dislodges the accumulated microbes.
Cleaning the deep gum pockets: The gum pockets could house a lot of microbes and food debris as well. They may become the breeding grounds for bacteria, due to which the severity of the infection could intensify. Hence, we will clean the deep gum pockets and also smoothen out the imperfections on the root surfaces.
Removal of decayed tissues: The decayed gum tissues will be removed through laser therapy. A high-intensity laser will be used to vaporize the tissues and seal the wound underneath instantly. This prevents pain and bleeding and reduces the chances of swelling or contracting an infection after the procedure.
Replenishing the volume of tissues: The gum tissues could recede below the gum line, due to which the root surfaces could be exposed. Also, removing the infected tissues can reduce their volume. Hence, healthy tissues will be extracted from a different part of the mouth and grafted near the receded area.
Antibiotic medication: Halting the spread of the infection would require highly effective antibiotic medication. This can either be in the form of surface applicants and pills which you have to consume. One such highly effective drug used in the treatment of periodontitis is Arestin. The dentist will suggest the right dosage based on the severity of the infection.